In a recent survey conducted by Deloitte on the status of data analytics, 85% of the respondents said their companies have engaged in digital transformation in the last five years. That is encouraging however, only 15% of them have succeeded and for the remaining companies the promised benefits of data analytics remain elusive. The most...
The rapidly increasing volume and complexity of data is due to growing mobile data traffic, cloud-computing traffic and burgeoning development and adoption of technologies including IoT and AI, which is driving the growth of big data analytics market. Over 2.5 quintillion bytes of data generated every day. Data is created by every click, swipe, share,...
If you read this article chances are that you know about AI particularly how it’s going to save or end the world It’s certainly true that AI attracts a lot of hype and, shall we say, colorful predictions. While not the entire hype is justified, It truly is a transformative technology – one that already...